
Coca-Cola FEMSA in Vigeo Eiris Emerging Market 70 Ranking

The Emerging Market 70 Ranking is a list comprised by the 71 best performing companies of 17 countries and 27 different sectors employing more than 2 million people.
vigeo eiris coca cola femsa
This ranking highlights a selection of companies from emerging markets based on Environmental, Social and Governance leading performances.
coca cola femsa governance
The hightest global scores are meassured for the best practices in human rights, decent employement practices, environmental protection, corporate governance, business ethics and contributions to social and economic development in areas of operation.
coca cola femsa mexico
According to this ranking four contries of LatAm are listed on Emerging Markets: Brasil, Chile, Colombia and México.
Coca-Cola FEMSA is one of the four companies based in México, operating in 9 contries of LatAm and in Philippines, Asia. There are only 4 Beverage companies listed on the ranking this year.
Vigeo Eiris Methodology rates the companies based on a model of nearly 330 indicators on (ESG) environmental, social and governance practices.

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