
KPS, the Innovative Human Resources Management at Coca-Cola FEMSA.

A 24/7 office for our employees to self-manage their HR services from their computer and mobile devices.

Technology, coupled with strategy, is invaluable when it comes to establishing a connection with our employees, especially across our multinational and multicultural organization.
To strengthen this connection, our KOF People Services platform (KPS) will bring together in a single site all of our Human Resources (HR) services and benefits.

KPS will not only enable our employees to self-manage their HR services from their office computer, but also allow our employees to access some of these services on their mobile devices.

Acting as a 24/7 HR office, we expect to start the deployment of KPS in Mexico in 2018.

KOF Talent Management and Development

We continue to strengthen our talent management culture—rooted in transparent performance evaluation and reinforced growth paths.

With this in mind, all of our employees enjoy individual Development Plans that strengthen their leadership, functional, and technical capabilities.
To identify what training is best suited for our employees, we analyze their needs through regular performance and career development reviews.

Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines.

We designed a personalized learning approach that includes critical work experiences, collaborative feedback, mentoring, and coaching, as well as synchronous and asynchronous training.
In 2017, 20,466 of our employees received a regular Performance Evaluation and personal feedback. 88% of this process is managed with our official Critical Factors Methodology process done through online platform as well as manually.

We are further developing future leaders by designing  and communicating clear career paths, providing our executives with the tools, guidelines, and information to discuss them in their two-way Vertical Reviews, along with new self-development tools to enable them to work on their priorities.

Among our integrated initiatives, we are opening up the results of our 9-Box Performance-Potential Matrix for directors and managers and strategic and tactical leaders to promote transparency and to enable our people to manage their own career development through a career map and plan designed for each and every one of them.

Additionally, FEMSA University offers an array of online courses and functional materials that focus on strengthening our people’s key business capabilities.

With an investment of approximately US$476 thousand in FEMSA University, where we have more than 5,000 different resources such as: events, courses, videos and diverse online materials.

We value our talent, and we know that our business’ sustainability begins with the comprehensive social development of our employees and their families. Accordingly, seek to offer the tools and opportunities required for their personal and professional growth.

Related content:
Welcome to our first Integrated Annual Report.
The 1,2,3 of our Responsible Marketing.
Our capital in the integrated strategy of Coca-Cola FEMSA.
Our Winning Portfolio Buildup

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