Coca-Cola FEMSA becomes member to the S&P Global 2021 Sustainability Yearbook
With over 7,000 companies evaluated, Coca-Cola FEMSA remains in the ranking of excellence in corporate sustainability.
The selection of companies for their inclusion in the S&P Global 2021 Sustainability Yearbook is made through the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA); an exhaustive measurement of the environmental, social, economic, and corporate governance dimensions of organizations using S&P Global’s proprietary methodology .
Corporate actions are monitored during an annual cycle by evaluating the data generated within companies and placed in a framework of transparency, which is fundamental to develop a sustainable economy.
“We congratulate Coca-Cola FEMSA for achieving a place in the Sustainability Yearbook 2021. With more than 7,000 companies evaluated, a listing in the yearbook is a true statement of excellence in corporate sustainability.” Manjit Jus, Global Head of ESG Research, S&P Global.
The Beverage Industry
In the last decade, at Coca-Cola FEMSA we have implemented concrete actions throughout our value chain so that we can manage the long-term implications that our business activities have on the planet. Sustainability has always been one of our top priorities, and it is because of this past determination that today we are closer to achieve a balance between the creation of economic, social, and environmental value.
The environmental dimension
This year more than ever, transparency was reinforced as a necessary element of any sustainability strategy. Accuracy in the measurement of our actions and their positive impacts and consequences on the planet allow us to sharpen our decision-making to promote general well-being.In the environmental dimension, some of the key aspects assessed in which we are industry benchmark include: water-related risk management, climate strategy, environmental performance and reporting.
The social dimension
This approach is linked to our human capital development, talent attraction and retention and corporate citizenship and philanthropy.
The Economic and Governance Dimension
Some of the key aspects evaluated in which Coca-Cola FEMSA has great results are Corporate Governance, Innovation Management, and Overall Sustainability Strategy.
COVID-19 Risk Management
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic made us realize that as part of our ESG approach we should be aware of the implications that these types of global situations have a deep impact in the way we conduct our business. Our actions to take care of the safety of our employees, our products, and consumers set precedent that allow us to be prepared for possible future scenarios.
Being included in the 2021 S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook makes us strengthen our commitment to the successful implementation of actions at every point of our Value Chain, with the single objective of being sustainable over time in service of all our stakeholders.