Integral Ethical System

Through our ethical culture, we manage under schemes that must be adopted as a way of life and that inspire the actions of all those who are part of the organization through the establishment of an integral ethical system.

Our ethics management is based on:

  • Prevent illicit behaviors that may affect our human capital and our heritage
  • Detect improper acts through open communication channels
  • Respond and provide feedback to our organization to build trust

Our system is comprised of three fundamental elements: the Code of Ethics, the Ethics Committee, and the whistle-blowing system known as KOF Ethics Line.

Code of Ethics

The foundation of our organizational culture, the Code of Ethics communicates our values, contemplates our main behaviors, promotes good behavior inside and outside of our organization, and guides our correct decision-making based on ethical principles. Our recently updated Code includes important topics such as Human Rights, Inclusion and Diversity, Discrimination, Violence and Harassment, Conflicts of Interest, Misuse of Information, and Anti-corruption.

Specifically, regarding the subject of gifts, courtesies and entertainment, our Code of Ethics specifies:

  • We do not receive, give, pay, offer, promise, or authorize on behalf of Coca-Cola FEMSA or on a personal basis, in a direct or indirect way, money, gifts, advantageous conditions, salaries, travel, commissions or anything else of value to obtain any undue advantage or benefit of any kind.
  • We do not give or offer gifts to government officials.
  • We only accept, give, or offer gifts of a promotional nature, occasional and of symbolic value.
  • We only provide hospitalities in accordance with our Corporate Policy and the applicable legal provisions.
  • When a client or a supplier offers an invitation, which implies a trip outside the city or to attend a sporting event or any other entertainment, we shall comply with this Code of Ethics and other Internal Guidelines and must obtain prior necessary approval to attend such invitation.

For further information and access to the full document of our Code of Ethics please access one of the following links:

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is the oversight and control body that guarantees compliance with the Code of Ethics and attends to the company’s most relevant ethical situations. In each of our territories, there is an Ethics Committee, and each Committee reports to the Corporate Ethics Committee.

KOF Ethics Line Whistle-blowing System

Complaints about noncompliance with the Code of Ethics are received through KOF Ethics Line, which is managed by a third party. Employees, customers, suppliers, third parties or anyone who has a relationship with Coca‑Cola FEMSA can use the system anonymously.

A group of investigators analyzes the complaints impartially and confidentially and, if a violation of the Code is found, corrective measures are applied.

In 2021, we received 1,616 complaints; of these, none were related to child labor, forced labor or freedom of association.

To strengthen our culture, our workers sign a Letter of Compliance to our Code of Ethics. Its purpose is to ensure that our employees are aware of the Code of Ethics, understand the main acts or omissions that may be incurred and can put our organization at risk, and report any violation of the Code that they know.